
Our trip to Rwanda

Basic information about our trip:

Dates:  We will leave on October 28 and come back on November 25.

Total Cost:  60 000 Kc

  • Flight tickets - 40 000 Kc
  • Viza, ensurances, fees - 5 000 Kc
  • Accomodation, food, transport, activities - 15 000 Kc

What will we take with us: Two backpacks full of clothes, balloons, gifts, 3 sleepingbags, toothbrushes, soap and a good mood.

Prayerpoints: Please pray whatever the Holy Spirit inspires you to pray, we know from experiance that if we write a list with prayerpoints there will be always some other surprises. :-)

What we will do in Rwanda:

After our flight from Vienna to Kigali we will stay for a few days in the capital of Rwanda. Two years ago we supported with our church a pastor from the South of Rwanda. After our time in Kigali we will stay with him and his family. He wrote us a program of the things we can do:

1. We will preach the Word of God and organize evangelization actions.

2. We will organize trainings for young people, women and church elders. 

3. We will visit the poor, widows and orphans. We will make programs for them where we encourage each other. The plan is to bring food, clothes and other necessities. 

4. We will visit christian families in their homes.

5. We will visit a small HIV PROJECT.

6. We will visit different area in Rwanda and learn about the culture; nature, dance, food, history etc. 

7. We will visit some local government authority.

Some short video from the last time I was there.

If you have on your heart to contribute financialy, you can:

Bank account number:   198782377/0300

IBAN:   CZ3803000000000198782377

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